This picture above is a few of the things that I brought to uni with me (I say a few because I didn't think anyone would be too bothered what pans and cups I was bringing so didn't include them).
First is a big paddle brush and clips. The necessity is obvious for this one! But I decided that a heavy duty brush like this one was the best bet for my long mane, and the clips with this one seemed like a good deal and therefore a sensible brush to pick... Plus I LOVE Babyliss products!
Moving along to the right we have a green picture frame with many windows, for any of you who have read my blog before or have seen my YouTube videos, you will know that lime green is my favourite colour, which is partly why I chose this one, but I also like the multi-window thing so i can put lots of different pictures in it that will make me smile!
Next along to the right we have cotton pads which are essential to any girl! I use these to take off my makeup and my nail varnish and then they just generally come in handy a lot of the time anyway.Moving down from there, shower gel. This is another obvious essential, this one is Imperial Leather, Sensuous Silk. I chose this one by smelling all of the different types of shower gel and decided this one smelled the best!
Directly right of that is Blistex Relief Cream. I suffer with such dry lips that often in the winter they crack when I smile (which is super painful!) so I always sleep with a tube of this next to my bed and put it on religiously last thing before I go to sleep and first thing when I wake up. It's also useful to know where I keep it if I need it during the day because a tube that size I could lose very, very easily.
Next to that are just some bog standard cotton buds because these are really useful for everything (there main use being clearing up nail varnish smudges because I can never sit still long enough for my nails to dry).
Next along is a pack of 4 shower puffs from Asda. If I'm being honest, I may have picked up these specific ones because of the green one...a little bit. But I love these as they can exfoliate while you wash in the shower - 2 birds, one stone, great for lazy people like me!
The next thing is a little less obvious and I just happened to stumble across it while scouring Wilkinson. This nifty little contraption is a hanger with smaller hooks on it for your necklaces so you can then put them in the wardrobe! Brilliant idea for people in student rooms with not a lot of space, like yours truly. Good old Wilko's!
Penultimately we have a big can of Treseme hairspray. An essential, I think you'll agree. I found this in Tesco and it was an extra big can so thought the likelihood was it would last me longer.
And lastly, are 3 bottles of Hand Sanitizer. I'm a bit of a freak over germs and sharing a house with 27 other people makes me cringe if I think to much about it! all those hands on the door handles and banisters and I really hate the fact that I have to share a bathroom! Too many germs for my liking! So one big bottle for my room and 2 little bottles for various handbags.
All in all, I'm really loving Uni. I love my course and I feel like I'm thriving living away from home. I've been pretty independent for a while so I think living away from my parents suits me quite well.
If you've managed to read all the way down to here, I commend you very much, and thank you, I hope you enjoyed this post, as its slightly different to what I usually do. Speak to you all soon pals!xx
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